U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Raul Yzaguirre
Delia Jorge Blanco-Prominent childrens’ rights attorney in Dominican Republic, senior adviser to CONANI, daughter Salvador Jorge Blanco, 48th President of the Dominican Republic
Luis A.Canela, former President Popular Banco, Editor El Caribbe, investment banker, & publisher HECHO.com
Sam Chapin, Executive Vice Chairman of Merrill Lynch
New York State Senator Adrianno Espaillat
Giscard G. Guilloteau-Vice Consul, U.S. Consulate, Santo Domingo (now in Brazil)
Marco A. Herrera, Executive Director Funglode
Juan de Jesus-Executive in Charge for Major League Baseball (in Dominican Republic)
MLB Dominican Development Baseball Alliance
Pierson Mapes, Former President of NBC TV
Caroline Cruz de Martinez (founder of Hay Poder de Apprender, in Santo Domingo, wife of Pedro Martinez, retired future Hall of Fame Baseball player)
Dominigo Nuñez MD, Dominican Physicians Association from NYC
Peace Corp Volunteers who have been or are currently posted in the Dominican Republic: Jennifer Gudahl, David Mayo
Peter Reilly, Recent Head of the U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) in the Dominican Republic
Allen Rosenshine, Chairman Emeritus, BBDO Worldwide
David Searby, head of Press in the U.S. Embassy (now in Panama)
Lisette Selman, Casandra winning TV Host: Latitude Cero” (Popular TV News Program, DR)
Dave Stulb, Global Partner in Charge of Fraud and Investigations for Ernst and Young
UNICEF, Lidia Pereira, Alienazas Corporativas, Santo Domingo
USAID (Dominican Republic) Jim Watkins, Acting Director,
Cid Wilson, Founder Dominicans on Wall Street, Dominican American Roundtable
Most have visited Ninos de Cristo with Charlie Decker and many are donors.
(Contact information is available from Charlie Decker at CDecker@CharlesDeckerFoundation.org)